Approval Process
Commodity Services Inc utilizes a thorough Carrier Approval Process. We strive to do business with only the safest and most dependable carriers so to ensure that every trucking load is delivered on time and in the expected condition.
Carriers may contact either the Fairmont, Minnesota office (507-238-9411) or the Orlando, Florida office (407-903-9711) to obtain a New Carrier Packet. We require this completed packet, proof of insurance, W-9, and Certificate of Authority before a load can be assigned to a carrier.
Payment Options
Fast Pay
Payment is made by either check or ACH transfer with 3 to 5 business days from the date complete paperwork is received by Commodity Services. There are no “hold-backs” and a 2 ½% fee is deducted per load.
Regular Pay
Regular pay option is also available by check only. Checks are mailed within 30 days from the date complete paperwork is received by Commodity Services.